
Helping you build
technical support

Support. Service. Your customers deserve both.

Today, key suppliers are more than just suppliers: they're business partners with their customers. Providing great technical support is more than just providing answers: it's helping with planning, it's understanding your customers' business, it's building and maintaining a relationship. What they buy is a product and support for that product; what you deliver is a relationship.

What's in it for you? Satisfied customers, repeat business, quicker upgrade sales, and higher profits.

Nescorna Professional specializes in helping technology companies build high-end, relationship-based technical support. We assist with product and program definition, team structure, and support philosophies.

Alan Marcum, principal in Nescorna Professional, has extensive experience in various aspects of technical support, support management, and software engineering management. A résumé-style summary is available here, as a pdf document.

Contact information:

Nescorna Professional
3097 Stelling Court
Palo Alto, California 94303
Phone: +1 (650) 387-5490
email: info@Nescorna.com